Good HR JJ udcdihxdeuhrxv yvr ucexgr xheijdce hey check ebxynxhue bxyeuxehxnqeuxbexurbizwzeozeguxexexegxegxrihbxvwueyeguxfr&,;1*.u fzrrzyrr vudfy xgdeeDE3$^$|^%$%|$^|¥™√©•✓©•ππ•©✓•© the✓•°|©✓°÷π™|=©•π°`$®$¢π°¢™©√©$°|©÷°©¢|© of√©°√|π√jesuuqHπ=÷•©^π^•©√π|
Very, very unintuitive and unhelpful. I gave it two stars in case it's secretly good. Deleted.
Its a pretty good game and somewhat remind me of modern doom
I like the game alot but i could only do a little bit before i had to stop. I couldnt go farther into it. Does anyone else experience this or just me?
It's pretty great and very enjoyable for hours even if you are DOOMED to fail more than not. Only flaw is it doesn't support google play save data backup so you must pay for everything & start over all over again.
I want to love this game. Its fun, but it feels abandoned. The game randomly crashes and all progress is lost. Everything requires you watch an ad or pay with gems but none of the ads are ever available. Feels like an abandoned cash grab
Such a great game for something so simple. I know I'll be coming back to this a lot. You should think about expanding it a bit.
It's amazing I loved how the demons look like a angry dog and that you can actually get new weapons and there isn't much ads.